Joiner Transformation

Joiner Transformation

1)Use the Joiner transformation to join source data from two related heterogeneous sources residing in different locations or file systems & You can also join data from the same source.
2)The Joiner transformation joins sources with at least one matching column. 
3)The Joiner transformation uses a condition that matches one or more pairs of columns between the two sources.

(Read also: Informatica_interview Q&A)

Transformation type:

Join Condition


Joiner Transformation Properties

Option Description
Case-Sensitive String Comparison If selected, the Integration Service uses case-sensitive string comparisons when performing joins on string columns.
Cache Directory Specifies the directory used to cache master or detail rows and the index to these rows. By default, the cache files are created in a directory specified by the process variable $PMCacheDir. If you override the directory, make sure the directory exists and contains enough disk space for the cache files. The directory can be a mapped or mounted drive.
Join Type Specifies the type of join: Normal, Master Outer, Detail Outer, or Full Outer.
Null Ordering in Master Not applicable for this transformation type.
Null Ordering in Detail Not applicable for this transformation type.
Tracing Level Amount of detail displayed in the session log for this transformation. The options are Terse, Normal, Verbose Data, and Verbose Initialization.
Joiner Data Cache Size Data cache size for the transformation. Default cache size is 2,000,000 bytes. If the total configured cache size is 2 GB or more, you must run the session on a 64-bit Integration Service. You can configure a numeric value, or you can configure the Integration Service to determine the cache size at runtime. If you configure the Integration Service to determine the cache size, you can also configure a maximum amount of memory for the Integration Service to allocate to the cache.
Joiner Index Cache Size Index cache size for the transformation. Default cache size is 1,000,000 bytes. If the total configured cache size is 2 GB or more, you must run the session on a 64-bit Integration Service. You can configure a numeric value, or you can configure the Integration Service to determine the cache size at runtime. If you configure the Integration Service to determine the cache size, you can also configure a maximum amount of memory for the Integration Service to allocate to the cache.
Sorted Input Specifies that data is sorted. Choose Sorted Input to join sorted data. Using sorted input can improve performance.
Master Sort Order Specifies the sort order of the master source data. Choose Ascending if the master source data is in ascending order. If you choose Ascending, also enable sorted input. Default is Auto.
Transformation Scope Specifies how the Integration Service applies the transformation logic to incoming data. You can choose Transaction, All Input, or Row.

Join Type

You define the join type on the Properties tab in the transformation. The Joiner transformation supports the following types of joins:
2)Master Outer
3)Detail Outer
4)Full Outer

 Improve performance

Using Sorted Input:-
You can improve session performance by configuring the Joiner transformation to use sorted input. When you configure the Joiner transformation to use sorted data, the Integration Service improves performance by minimizing disk input and output. You see the greatest performance improvement when you work with large data sets.
To configure a mapping to use sorted data, you establish and maintain a sort order in the mapping so the Integration Service can use the sorted data when it processes the Joiner transformation.

Blocking the Source

Unsorted Joiner Transformation:-
When the Integration Service processes an unsorted Joiner transformation, it reads all master rows before it reads the detail rows. To ensure it reads all master rows before the detail rows, the Integration Service blocks the detail source while it caches rows from the master source. Once the Integration Service reads and caches all master rows, it unblocks the detail source and reads the detail rows. Some mappings with unsorted Joiner transformations violate data flow validation.

Sorted Joiner Transformation:-
When the Integration Service processes a sorted Joiner transformation, it blocks data based on the mapping configuration.Blocking logic is possible if master and detail input to the Joiner transformation originate from different sources.When the Integration Service can use blocking logic to process the Joiner transformation, it stores fewer rows in the cache, increasing performance.


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